Little Voices in Your Head


Did you ever want to meet those little voices in your head?  Inside Out Teaser Trailer

We all have voices in our heads and they often are represented in the emotions of joy, sadness, fear, anger and disgust. Unfortunately for many people the overriding emotions are sadness, fear, anger and disgust.  Most of us rarely hear clearly the voice of joy.  Even pastors struggle, pastors especially struggle with the voices of sadness, fear, anger and disgust.  Did you realize that study’s indicate that pastors are some of the most depressed people around?  An article in Duke Today (Clergy More Likely to Suffer from Depression, Anxiety) says “The demands placed on clergy by themselves and others put pastors at far greater risk for depression than individuals with other occupations, a new study by the Clergy Health Initiative at Duke Divinity School has found.”  They discovered that most of the reported depression and anxiety centered around the job.

This news always makes me feel bad for clergy. I believe that most of the precipitating factors can be worked out so no clergy needs to be mad, sad, afraid or disgusted! Of course true freedom is found in God through Christ Jesus, in the power of the Holy Spirit and we should first and foremost take our negative emotions to God in prayer.  I want to share a prayer method with you that I have found helpful to put into practice faith and trust in God and confidence in God’s good plan.

Aviary Photo_130815502768012185Here’s what I do…I use a God box. It can be any kind of box in any size.  Some people like to use a fire pit for their God box so they will never be tempted to remove their thoughts and prayers from their God box. Use your God box by simply writing down worries, fears, and concerns and drop them into the box. Whenever a new worry comes up, into the God box it goes. Put your concern in the box and pray aloud “Almighty God is my immediate and endless source of life. I believe that even now God is making miracles for me.” This allows us to externalize the problem or emotion as we recognize God’s will and work which ultimately frees us. We will find freedom and peace and power when we release the worry, fear, concern and/or any life question or problem to God. Leave it in God’s hands with sure and certain faith that what God wants for you is perfect. If the thought comes back to your head or heart, remind yourself that you turned that over to God and can’t be concerned about it any further. What matters most is that we offer to God the problem with a sincere and consistent heart.  Remember, what is dropped in the box, stays in the box, as you embrace fully that God can and will handle every problem or issue in amazing ways. You can claim with certainty, “it’s done!”  The box gives room for God’s plan, even in impossible messes.

For you real reverends reading I know this may sound pretty remedial, but, I am here to just give you a little reminder of God’s awesome power to heal the brokenhearted. I wonder, were you led here because you have some pressing worry or concern or issue that has distracted you? Are those little voices of anger, fear, sadness or disgust in your head distractive you from the work you are called to do? Knowing that negative thoughts block our path to God will you accept the freedom God offers by putting them into the God Box?

God bless you!


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